We Would Die Without Enzymes!

-excerpt from the book "Enzyme Nutrition", written by one of America’s pioneering biochemists and nutrition researchers, Dr. Edward Howell.


Ever since the Bubonic Plague in 1350, which killed over 50% of the people in Europe (over 25 million), scientists and doctors have wondered why some people survived and others died. Thanks to advances in technology and medicine, scientists have concluded that most people succumb to disease and illness due to weakened immune systems.

What weakens the immune system? Stress, poor nutrition, drugs (prescription or illegal), chemical pollution, but most of all lack of enzymes.


What are enzymes and why are they so important? If you removed enzymes from the body, it would stop working and die! Enzymes are responsible for the functions of every organ. The body is a big efficient chemical factory, and enzymes are needed for every chemical action and reaction. Every gene’s program is associated with the actions of enzymes. Even vitamins and nutrients can’t be used effectively without enzymes. The immune system’s function is to fight off all foreign invaders in the body such as bacteria, viruses, carcinogens and other chemicals. It relies almost totally on enzymes to do its job. A weakened immune system has a diminished volume of enzymes which includes those that are defective or worn out. Enzymes have a limited life and must be replaced regularly. Where do we get enzymes? Nine basic enzymes come from food, and the body takes these and changes them into over 3,000 varieties for various purposes.


Unfortunately, if you cook food at temperatures exceeding 129 degrees Fahrenheit all the enzymes are destroyed. So you must obtain enzymes from raw foods or special enzyme supplements. The majority of all food is processed, thus people get very few enzymes in their diets.


Tests have shown that from age 20 on, we lose approx. 10% of our enzymes with each decade we live. 70-year-old people have about half the enzymes of 20-year-olds. Once illness or infection has invaded, the older body works overtime struggling to produce enzymes needed by the immune system to overcome the problem. Often it cannot produce enough and chronic disease sets in, such as cancer, heart disease, arthritis. etc. Over 200 other diseases result from worn out or defective gene controlled enzymes such as: high blood pressure, hardening of the arteries, circulatory problems, diabetes, tuberculosis, psoriasis, dermatitis, prostatitis, cirrhosis, hepatitis, pruritus, cholecystitis, rheumatism, edema, varicose veins, sores, pancreatitis, etc.


Extensive research at hundreds of the best medical centers in the world have proved that by taking supplements of eight enzymes, you can help alleviate or prevent the majority of these and other diseases.


Over 15,000 people in Europe and Japan have been given enzyme supplementation or therapy with enormous success, all with no side effects. The reason there are no side effects is because enzymes are food forms, not drugs. Much of the serious scientific interest began when Dr. Ernst Freund noticed that most cancer patients get thrombolysis (blood clots that cause heart attacks), and most thrombolysis patients get cancer. He suspected that the common connection might be enzymes. On testing their blood, he found both patient groups to be lacking in three important enzymes.

Recently, researchers found that two of those enzymes destroy blood clots, and the other creates macrophages which break down fibrin. Cancer cells hide under a coating of fibrin. Once the cover is removed, our bodies’ killer cells destroy the cancer cells.


Normally, in our bodies there are 100 to 10,000 cancer cells floating around at all times, according to medical school professor and well known immunologist, Dr. Michael Williams. But if your immune system weakens sufficiently, the cancer cells attach themselves to an organ, build a covering of fibrin so antibodies can’t find them and you are in trouble!

The good news is that Dr. A.E. Leskovar reported that supplementation with enzymes increases the macrophages by 700% and killer cells by 1300% in a short time. That’s why people with healthy immune systems don’t get cancer.

European doctors have had significant success in stopping early onset cancer by oral supplementation of enzymes and by injecting the enzymes directly into the tumor.


Dr. Chin Po Kim, a highly respected scientist and internationally recognized immunologist, cited a 23% overall mortality rate in cancer patients who took oral enzymes. This is about the same rate achieved by chemotherapy and radiation treatments but with none of the side effects.

Also, several studies conducted by European scientists show that oral enzymes taken with chemotherapy and radiation improve the response rate and reduces the side effects significantly.

In published reports in several medical journals, 141 physicians participated in multicenter controlled studies treating 1004 patients with enzyme mixtures. Depending on the type, 76%-96% were classified as improved. The enzymes reduced stiffness, joint swelling, improved ability to bend and slowed down or completely halted deterioration of the joints.


Vascular and circulatory disorders also respond well to enzyme supplementation. This includes arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, coronary heart disease, phlebitis, and other circulatory problems that affect the brain, lung, kidneys and liver.

Former Fordham University Professor of Medicine, Dr. Max Wolf, reported that tests of 347 patients with circulatory disorders showed 87% completely free or almost free of any symptoms after taking enzymes. Dr. H. Dench, Austrian Professor of medicine, conducted similar tests of patients who had problems with blood clots; 93% of the patients significantly improved after enzyme treatments.


A German scientist, Dr. Karl Maeder, reported that a multicenter study of 216 patients suffering from various vein disorders were given oral enzymes. Their typical problems were edema and serious varicose veins; 94% either completely recovered or had significant improvement.


In 1964, Dr. Robert Dorrer of the Prien Hospital tested 24 patients suffering from shingles with oral enzymes. Within three days the pain ceased and the blisters started healing. A German medical journal reported his impressive success.

Dr. Wilheim Bartsch, the director of a cancer clinic in Germany, took particular notice of his article. The reason was that very often cancer patients develop shingles. He began a double-blind study using enzymes and the then current drug prescribed for shingles. Half way through the study, he abandoned the drug for ethical reasons because all those taking the enzymes were significantly improved in a short time.

Dr. Michael Kleine did a double-blind study with oral enzymes and the drug for shingles: acyclovir. He concluded that both were equally effective but the enzymes prevented the recurrence of neuralgia, had no side effects and cost much less!


Injury is a common problem with all those that are athletic, especially professionals and Olympians. Sports medicine doctors know they can’t prevent injuries, so they look for methods to heal players as quickly as possible. Karate fighters experience considerable injuries so doctors chose them as a test group for a double blind study using oral enzymes and placebos. Those taking enzymes 3 times a day in advance of the events healed 50% quicker. The doctors for the German Olympic team conducted similar tests with all types of athletes. The results were comparable for 82% of the players, and soreness from strenuous events was considerably less.


Professor Kaas of the University of Innsbruck, who is responsible for the health of Austrian athletes in the Winter Olympic games, also confirmed those findings. He stated that, “A good portion of the success achieved by the athletes under his care would not have been possible without enzymes.” He advises even casual athletes to take enzymes daily to lessen the effects of potential injury. Another benefit of enzymes is that they regulate your metabolism. The fewer enzymes in your body the lower your energy level. Those with chronic fatigue can improve with enzymes. Doctors elsewhere have found that oral enzymes taken prior to surgery accelerates healing, allowing patients to leave the hospital quicker and resume normal routines sooner.


Weight Loss, And A Cause Of Obesity

Lipase is an enzyme that aids the body in breaking down fats and removing fats from storage. Without this enzyme fat stagnates and accumulates not only in the obvious places, but in the arteries. The fats in the arteries contribute to cholesterol and arteriosclerosis.

Dr. David Galton at the School of Medicine of Tufts University tested people weighing an average of 230 pounds. He found that every one of them was lacking enzymes in their fatty tissue.
Veterinarians conducted an experiment with hogs. One group of hogs was fed only raw potatoes, the other cooked. The group eating raw lost weight; the group eating cooked gained weight. This clearly shows the effect of enzymes on weight because even though potatoes are high in enzyme content, cooking destroys the enzymes.

Enzymes have so many functions that it takes an encyclopedia-size volume of books to cover all that is known today. As we have shown, enzymes really are essential to life. As you age, the reduced ability of your body to produce the required amounts of enzymes from their limited sources in foods, makes you more vulnerable to illness and disease.



Many scientists have proved that oral supplementation of enzymes builds up the immune system to fight off the worst diseases as well as improve the function of the entire body.

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ZymeBoost+® contains the patented Assimilation Enhancing System (BOOST-Factor) - engineered to deliver a more effective absorption process to the GI tract (formulated with specific enzymes and mineral co-factors for quick action in breaking down nutrients for proper absorption). ZymeBoost+® works at all pH levels and is not destroyed in the acid of the stomach.

ZymeBoost+® is specially designed to aid in the digestion of all foods, with an emphasis on fats and lipids. Enzymes are an essential part of any nutritional plan and are essential in breaking down food and maintaining proper nutrient absorption. Improves carbohydrate, fat, and protein digestion.

ZymeBoost+® can be taken on an empty stomach and should be taken before each meal and again at bedtime. Benefits include: Reduced triglyceride levels. Reduced blood sugar levels. Helps to prevent heartburn, gas, upset stomach and IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) symptoms. Aids in resolving problems associated with Gluten allergies. Beneficial for those who no longer have a gallbladder. A key component to any weight loss program.

* While many digestive enzymes become inactivated or destroyed by the low pH of the stomach, Aspergillus derived enzymes are active at a pH as low as 1 or 2, and survive beyond the stomach to be active in the intestine and blood stream.